Since 1996


"The Alternative To Your Fixture Needs"

Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Visa, MasterCard, and American Express Accepted

Custom Bakery Display Case

Find Our Store Fixtures in NJ

You want to make the best investments for your business. Often, that means seeing investments up close before you make a purchase. At Alternative Air & Store Fixtures, we get it. That’s why we take our store fixtures in NJ to a wide range of shows where customers can see them in action.


Check out the sizing, features, and other advantages for yourself. Whether you’re looking to open a new location, add capacity to an existing one, or upgrade from outdated display cases in NJ, we have you covered. And at each show, our team is on hand to help answer questions and connect with customers one-on-one. That way, you get complete confidence before you spend a dime on our products.


Convenient Scheduling

We’ve made one place to find out where we’re showing our fixtures with only a few clicks. You won’t have to work hard to find us. Just stop by or reach out at a show you already plan to attend. From coffee shops to gourmet bistros, we work with a wide range of businesses and deliver top-tier solutions that help them do the same for their own customers. Contact us today at any of the shows below.   

Sweets and Snacks Expo May 14-16th 2024

Alternative Air

Booth #22371

Booth #20106

Ashers Chocolate
Booth #110024

Philadelphia National Candy, Gift & Gourmet Gift Show, Sept 22-24, 2024